Savoury Recipes
Scottish Vegetable Lentil Soup
I am told that I make a nice soup. Compliments indeed! And one that I’ll happily take, of course.. although, there isn’t much to the recipe at all so I often feel as though I am cheating people in some…
Scottish Lentil Soup Recipe
We are experiencing a spate of terrible storms at the moment and no lunch seems quite as fitting as a warm bowl of Scottish lentil soup to keep us cosy. The smell of the ham hough fills the kitchen as…
Rumbledethumps Recipe!
Scottish Rumbledethumps are much like Englands Bubble and Squeak and Irelands Colcannon. Rumbledethumps is primarily a mix of mashed potatoes, cabbage, cheese and chives. All great things that make for a delicious and comforting dish! Most traditional recipes that you…
Easy Pizza Dough Recipe!
A fresh home cooked pizza is a wonderful thing to make, no matter your age. It’s the kind of activity that kids love and will remember for years to come, while as an adult, I think that home cooked tastes…
Clapshot Recipe!
Clapshot is a simple dish that mainly consists of a mashed potato and turnip mix. It has a really lovely sweetness and butteriness to it which makes it a slightly more indulgent take on a simple mashed potato dish. I…